LONDON, June 09, 2023–(BUSINESS WIRE)–KBRA UK (KBRA) releases a research report examining the equity release mortgage (ERM) market in the UK and supportive demographic trends that signal potential expansion across the rest of Europe.
Ageing populations have resulted in an increasing number of retirees with meaningful value within their homes turning to ERMs for a variety of purposes, including leveraging the product to age in place. KBRA has received an increasing number of inquiries about ratings for securitisation transactions containing ERM collateral from both originators and investors. KBRA expects issuance of ERM-backed RMBS to continue rising in the UK and potentially expand in Europe. In the report, we highlight the key features and notable trends in this burgeoning corner of RMBS.
SOURCE: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/kbra-releases-research-equity-release-173000381.html